Group members cannot circulate messages that are illegal, dangerous to national security, violate any laws, inappropriate, defamatory and/or are objectionable in any other way. We don’t want such content.
You should be aware that it is not possible to remove content from this group once it has been posted as WhatsApp does not give admins the ability to remove content.
The creator and admins of this group are not and will not be held responsible for any content on this group. This includes content which may be racially offensive or of a sexually offensive nature.
We hereby indemnify and distance ourselves from such content. But we are ultimately not responsible for content posted by users without our prior consent or permission of approval. Users are responsible for their own conduct and the content which they post.
If you join the group, it means you are willing to share your contact number in public, anyone can message or call you.
If you have any privacy concerns immediately leave the group or do not join this group at all. If you are sharing or posting anything in the group you alone will be fully responsible for the post you shared or posted.
Anything shared or posted in the group may be shared by group members and admins with other groups and people in public without your permission. Therefore do not post anything for that you have any kind of copy rights / privacy concerns.
Group admins reserve the right to remove any group member at any time without any intimation or reason.
By voluntarily entering this group and by not removing yourself from this group, you place yourself under the posted rules and guidelines of this group. Users who transgress the stated rules of this group will be removed as soon as humanly possible (or as soon as it is brought to our attention).
You should not take anything you see or hear or read on this group as legal advice or professional guidance. You should verify any information given here for yourself first before acting on it.
This group exists for information / discussion purposes only. These terms are not negotiable and by remaining a member of this group you agree to such terms. If you do not agree please exit the group immediately.
Do’s – Practices which are appreciated
- Relevant Posts Only: Everyone must write posts only which are relevant to the group subject
- Value for Time: Please also understand and value each other’s time. If any one feels this group is not suitable for them, they are free to leave the group. Helps admins accommodate better focused people
- Respect: Everyone must talk respectfully to other members, using decent language
- You are requested to please write your complete name and make your profile visible for everyone for ease of communication
Don’ts – Practices which are discouraged
- Do not post anything outside the topic during an ongoing discussion,
- Do not spam or do irrelevant posts. (Discretion of the admin that which post is irrelevant)
- Members are requested to refrain from bothering group members personally. Further, when communicating in the group, they are expected to talk and behave in a polite and professional manner.
- Any complaint by any member (about stalking of him/her by some other member of the group) shall be taken very seriously. The consequences may be legal as well.
- These sort of complaints will be dealt with the help of Police, if required
- Members are prohibited from changing group name, group icon and group description.
- Only admins will do it as and when necessary
- You can use the platform to showcase some nice work you have done. However, it should be related information and excessive self-promotion will not be entertained. Self-projection is strictly discouraged.
- Members are prohibited from sharing external group invite links in the group. Only admins will do it as and when necessary.
- We need to focus on quality of discussion and not quantity.
- However, the admins can be approached in private if it is necessary.
- The posts in the group by any member or expert shall be their personal views. The admins will not be liable for any such information provided.
- Your continued presence in the group will mean you agree and abide to the terms of the group.
- Any deviation from the group guidelines will be taken seriously and offenders will be removed.
- This is done to protect the interest and privacy of group members.
- (Above was complied using contents, available on internet. This post is not for any commercial purpose and we do not claim any copy rights)
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